Monday, June 16, 2008

Blood donation

I just got a call from the American Red Cross about donating blood. I donate blood on a semi-regular basis (i.e. when I'm not sick, when my iron level is high enough). There is a serious blood shortage in NE Ohio, and probably most other places.

I'm asking you to at least consider donating blood. Imagine if you got into a car accident and needed blood transfusions and there was no blood available. I know I sound alarmist, but this could happen. It WILL happen if more people don't start giving blood. The bloodbanks are so low on blood right now (and actually are most of the time) someone could die if there is not enough blood available. For my blood type, there is currently only a half-days supply of it on hand. 12 hours. That's really scary.

They do have some promotions going on in the area. Daily $25 gas cards, one $3000 gas card at the end of the month as well as several $500 gas cards. Beyond this, however, is the chance to save a life, or at least help someone out. Just think of the mundane stuff we do everyday that doesn't seem to make a difference. Giving blood makes a difference.

I know a lot of people are don't like seeing blood or are scared of needles. Not to trivialize your fears, but it isn't that bad. And the people taking blood do it all day; they are good at it. Seriously if you want me to go with you to donate blood (given you live in NE ohio), I will do that. I'm donating next Monday; let me know if you want to tag along. And if you are not sure if you can donate blood due to taking medications or chronic illnesses, ask. A lot of times, you still can donate.

For those of you in Akron, the Summit County Donor Center is on West Market, about a mile west of U of A. You can walk in, but they appreciate it if you make an appointment. You can make an appointment by phone or online:

1-800-Give Life (1-800-448-3543) or

Seriously, think about it.

PS - you still get cookies and juice :) One time, I even got a cupcake!

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