Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Distance is difficult when in a relationship. Especially if it is prolonged and the distance is great.

We've been apart since our relationship started. Ranging from a 11 hr flight to a 3 1/2 hr drive, it's been challenging at times. It has been hard to him to visit me as of late and I can't always make the drive to see him.

We may be facing 4 months of being apart. He may have to go to Tampa for his job. He's been frantically searching for a job but not having a lot of luck.

I've been getting frustrated with being 3 1/2 hrs apart. The drive gets boring and it gets difficult when I'm doing most of the driving. It's especially hard when I was sick.

It is worth it. We are worth it. We just might have to be a little (ok very) patient.

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