Wednesday, January 26, 2011

5 minutes at a time

That's how I'm going to operate today. I'm not feeling so great today, but I shouldn't lie on the couch all day.

So I'm going to work on everything I need to do for 5 minutes at a time. I did 5 minutes worth of dishes. Not even halfway through, but I have more clean dishes than I did before. I figure I can manage to do 5 minutes of just about anything.

The only thing that I'm working on for more than 5 minutes at a time is reading. Currently, I'm reading Pride and Prejudice as well as a book on meditation. While meditation has not really appealed to me, I really could use some centering. In essence I could deal with my life better and not be so anxious. I figure it is worth a try. So far the book is pretty good - not religion based or too new-agey.

I should really give a few minutes of my dissertation a try as well. I've got a dissertation date scheduled on Friday with a fellow dissertater. Socialization and productivity in one!

Should get back to being slightly productive.

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