Monday, November 1, 2010

The streak is over - back to day 1

Well, I'd been doing really well on working on my dissertation every single day. In fact, I'd hit 55 days in a row. I was planning to reward myself with something when I hit 60...but that didn't happen.

So what happened? I ended up in the hospital for 4 days. Yikes - didn't see that one coming!

I went to the ER on Monday evening with extreme abdominal pain. Really, really bad. After 4 hours in the waiting room and another hour in the exam room, someone finally came to see me. An x-ray was ordered as well as some pain medication. The pain medication took ANOTHER hour to get there! So I finally got some relief - but it took 3 shots of morphine over the next couple of hours to do it! Seriously, I've NEVER been in that much pain in my life. And I have a pretty high pain tolerance.

So the x-ray came back and it was decided I needed a CT scan. After that came back (hours later) they decided to admit me. Diagnosis - colitis. Cause - ????

To make a long story short, they kept me in there until Friday afternoon. I couldn't have any more tests because of all of the inflammation so they basically observed me. I need to schedule some tests and a follow up in a couple of weeks.

So I didn't work on my dissertation for an entire week, until last night. So today is day 2. And I'll be at least a week behind on my goal of getting revisions to my advisor. So proposing this semester doesn't seem feasible at this point. Oh well - there was not a whole lot I could do about the situation. Hopefully I will continue to get better and make progress on my diss!!!

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