Tuesday, January 6, 2009


You know the old cliché; "timing is everything"? Well, it seems to hold true in my life. I've gotten most of what I wanted in life but not always when I wanted it. And the things I didn't get? I believe I will get them/achieve them or I'll find that they are not as important to me as I thought. I have to remember also that I have some control over this timing. Not everything is under my control, but some things are. Most things in life, I feel like I am controlling as much as I can, there are other (i.e. the dissertation) that I'm not really working toward. I want to finish so badly; to finally get out of school and get a job, to have a life…yet I'm not doing much to achieve that goal. It is funny how I can be really good at controlling what I can in some areas of my life, and so bad at others.

I'm not expecting to be totally on top of things in my life; but I would like to say that I'm trying as hard as I can.

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