Sunday, December 6, 2009

Up early...

Well, sorta. I'm up early....because I haven't gone to bed yet. I haven't felt sleepy enough to go to sleep. I still don't at 7:15am. Wonderful. The transition to German time will be load of fun. They are 6 hours AHEAD of Eastern Time. So it is 1:15pm in Germany. It would be so much better if it were 6 hours behind. 1:15am isn't a bad time to go to sleep...that's quite an improvement for me, actually.

I really need to go to bed at regular person times. I wish I could say that I spend the late night hours being useful...but I don't, for the most part. I've been writing some, but it is nonacademic writing and stuff that probably no one will ever read. I guess being creative for creativity's sake is something.

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