Friday, August 1, 2008

Blogger in mirror is not as bitter as she appears…

After reading the last couple of posts, I realize how negative I seemed about everything. I don't really feel that way all of the time. I think I blog at times that I am frustrated (or bored). I am really in a better mood than it seems. Still very jaded about school but I am about to start my 10th year of post high school education (i.e. 22nd grade). If I wasn't jaded by now, there would be something seriously wrong with me.

In other news, it appears that I've been selected for early admission to an exclusive group. The letter came with plastic membership card. What selective group, you ask? AARP. Yes, that is the old people club. Usually the age is 50, but I guess I get to join 22 years early. I'm thinking about sending in the $12.50 membership fee to make it official. I'd get the senior coffee at McDonalds...and it comes with a magazine! I'm seriously thinking about it – maybe I'd be the youngest ever member of AARP…world record, anyone? So tempting. Now I'm really thinking about it. I could totally be a media whore and it could be one of those weird news stories. I wonder how many calls to media outlets that would take…..hmmmm…

Aww, it asks for my date of birth on the membership form. I could right over "Prefer not to answer", or better yet "None of your damn business!". How about "a lady never reveals her age"? Or I could write a letter yammering on about the lack of privacy these days and how rude it is to ask for so much personal information. If I get denied, I could call them and call them out for age discrimination. My sister's a lawyer, maybe we could sue…ok, ok I'm getting a bit carried away. But seriously, this AARP card has made my day. And I wouldn't being true to my authentic self if I don't get carried away with stuff.

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