Thursday, February 10, 2011

The to-do list

Today, like many days, comes with a long to-do list. I seldom get through my to-do list for the day. I pretty much design it that way. Everything that I possibly need to do in one day, I put on the list. I'm not particularly bothered if I don't complete the list; I don't expect to.

But today I've got a long list as usual, but it comes with some big items. If I get these done today, it will really be a weight off of my back. The big ones are taxes, financial aid, and completing another draft of Chapter 1 of my dissertation. All are urgent and I am sick of worrying about them.

So taxes are up first. Even though I only made a meager amount on unemployment last year that I technically don't even have to report, I feel like it is a good idea to have a record of my (lack of income). So I'm filing anyway. It shouldn't take long, but I can't remember the password to the tax program that I use. So I'm waiting on them to email me the password. It has been over 45 minutes and I'm getting impatient. I procrastinate, but when I want to do something, I want to do it NOW. Geez.

Chapter 1 is honestly close to completion. I'd really prefer to send over another draft of the whole proposal, but I can't do that right now. Plus it is probably much easier to edit one chapter at a time. So I'm just going to focus on Chapter 1 and then worry about 2 & 3 another day (soon!).

So I'm off to do a whole bunch of stuff I dread doing, but I'll feel a whole lot better once they are done. I'll update later.

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