Not that there is a whole lot to update, in terms of big stuff. I am alive and (mostly) well. It is flu season, after all.
My teaching evaluation weren't bad. I apparently "always look tired" and am sometimes "boring". And "seems nervous" on occasion. That was the worst of it. Several people wrote "she's a great teacher" and one wrote "she's great!". The rest was mostly complaints about the class; stuff I have no control over, such as homeworks & tests. I don't make up either of these. At first glance, it's much easier for me. But the questions are horrible, some are pretty unfair.
A couple of years ago, I taught a social psych class where I was allowed to do pretty much anything I wanted. Making up tests is difficult. It takes a lot of time to make them representative of the content as well as creating questions that are challenging but fair. And there were a few questions I would throw out after the test was taken if many people missed it due to vagueness or improper wording. I was the one responsible, and I was the one in charge. Now…not so much. That associate lecturer title isn't a sweet as it seems….I am a faculty member (part-time) yet I have little control over the class I teach. This is a function of the way this particular course is set up…but still. I'll be teaching a different class in the spring; one that I have not taught before. Prepping a new class is a lot of work, but I'd rather spend more time teaching and testing material in the way I choose.