Today, I conducted an exam review. My "favorite class" slipped in the rankings, big time. While I was explaining exactly how the testing systems work (they take them on the computer at a testing center on campus), and outlining how I was going to conduct the review, my eager to learn, friendly class turned on me. Sudden hatred…great. Especially since I was in a rather jovial mood and quite well prepared.
First of all, the majority of my class said I didn't tell them there was a review sheet posted on the website. Several students did insist to others that I did state it would be posted on the website. Also, I wrote on the homepage of the course website stating there was a review sheet, as well as exactly where to find it. They are *supposed* to check it every day. They glare, save from the few sympathetic glances from those who actually follow directions.
I mention that it is 15 questions that will be very much like test questions. How many questions are on the test? 50, I answer. The class reacts as if I told them they all were going to fail. One outspoken female student asked me, "How can there only be 15 questions on the review sheet and 50 test questions?! You aren't even covering half of the test material" she states indignantly. I hear a few "yeahs" from other students. I am dumbfounded. Somehow they believe that if I give them 50 review questions it would cover all of the test material. *Sigh* I could give them 100 review questions that might do a better job, but they won't actually look at them.
I'm trying to explain that I tried to pick a representative sample of questions that cover the major topics on the test, and that I only have enough time to thoroughly go through 15 questions. I was cut off by the drone of students murmuring about how unfair the tests were and that I should go over EVERYTHING that could possibly be on the test. Um, even with 3 hours of lecture a week cannot cover everything in the book that they need to know. I then wonder if they are still used to chapter tests. They are, in fact, just out of high school.
I tell them that I cannot possibly cover everything that could be on the test. I am asked if I know what is on the test. I repeat what I had said earlier, "Modules 1-4, 6, & appendix A". Dude in the back says, "No, what's on the test". I am perplexed. I state that "that IS what is on the test." "All of it?" he said in disbelief. "All of it", I repeat. The class freaks out. I tell them I mentioned this the first class and reminded them repeatedly that I can only cover the most important things from the text, the rest of it they have to read on their own. Guess what? That's why you have a freakin' book. I also tell them that I can't possibly cover all of the test topics as a review. Unless, of course, I just list them and not explain them. They can get that on the website – and I showed them how to do it in class today.
I ask them if they would like me to post more review question on the website. They say yes. How many, I ask? They don't know. How about 10 more, I say. The outspoken girl exclaims, "That's still only covering half the material on the test". I open my mouth to speak…and close it again. I can't even reason with her – she won't get it.
I agree to the 10 more. They do not look satisfied. I also tell them that I will go over the 15 questions in class, and I can hold another exam review outside of class. I tell them that I'll go over the 15 and then we'll set up an outside review afterward. So we do, and it takes the rest of the class time. I not only showed them the right answer, but asked them why it was right, why the others were wrong. I showed them how to pick out the key words in the questions to tip them off to the answer. At the end of the class, I asked those who wanted another review, outside of class, to please come up to the front….One person comes up to me. Several file past and thank me for the review. Relief.
I'm still in shock how pissed off my students seem. They are usually a dream class – participative, they seem to like learning, and they laugh at my jokes. But today….
Second class was cool; they gave me no problems. Nice.
Full moon tonight – possible explanation?