I've not been happy they way things have been going with my life and my dissertation. I am in an enormous amount of debt, and that will not be changing anytime soon. I long for the days in which I can start to make a dent in this avalanche of money that I owe.
My financial situation worsened this year, not having a job and all of the medical bill that needed to be paid. It is really hard to not be able to find a job and living on borrowed money. I will pay it back and I can't wait to pay it back. I don't want to owe anyone, credit card companies and student loan included. I want to work and pay my bills. I want to get to that point that I can actually save money (wow, what a concept!) and not feel so overwhelmed about my debt.
As for my dissertation, I could be doing better. I know that. I'm trying, but not as hard as I could be. I stare at my computer screen for hours, not making much progress. I avoid it by cleaning everything in sight. I know this.
Yet, all of this was pointed out to me (in an accusing manner) - the length of time I've spent in grad school, the snails-pace progress of the dissertation, and the mountain of debt I am in. It was done in a very accusing way, as if i was spending my money on clothing and shoes. I don't remember the last time I bought an article of clothing. Not even sure it was in the past year. I am paying to maintain my health, to eat, to pay my bills. I do not go out - for drinks, for dinner, really anywhere that requires money. It really, really disappointed me that this person (who I respect, admire, and love very much) would want to make me feel worse. This person knows that all of these things are on my mind and bother me very much. I don't know why he felt the need to remind me of what I already know. None of this motivates me. He knows this.
While this might be something "that parents do" it hurt me deeply. Especially since I could hear the disappointment in his voice for me, and the contempt of my situation. If I had a carefree attitude about my situations, this discussion may have been warranted. But I do not. I think about these things every single day, without exception. My parents have always said that I punish myself more than anyone else every could. And it is true. Why could he just have let me punish myself? I've been told by others that I'm doing an exemplary job of that.
To be fair, there is a lack of understanding on his part; he's not been through this process. It is hard to convince him that it's just not a paper I can sit down and write then be done with, graduate and get a job. There are so many more steps and components that I attempt to explain time after time, but they don't appear to sink in.
I'm going to try to put this aside for the day - my purpose in this post was to vent a little, get it out of my mind and putting my thoughts in writing.