Yes, meeting is tomorrow. I'm supposed to have a 2-3 page intro of my dissertation done. Not a big deal, right? I can get it done in a couple of hours, right? Well….
I've had the last 2 weeks to do this. It's not very long, not very difficult to write (or so it seems), yet I have a block that I'm having trouble getting past. Again. I was doing ok earlier; just writing however it was in my head without trying to make it sound good. I can fix it later once I've got everything down – I can edit and rearrange. I need to plan on doing it half-assed/barely acceptable. Usually once I get to that point I'll feel the need to refine it.
Seriously, I'm ridiculous. I'm in my office now and have been for about an hour. I said I'd send it to my advisor sometime today. I'm striving for 11:59pm at this point. *sigh*