Sunday, November 30, 2008


I had a lovely thanksgiving break. I ran the turkey trot on thanksgiving morning, had the traditional thanksgiving foods, and hung out with friends. I didn't do as well as I would have liked (1:04:54) but I did finish. I'll go for a new PR next time, I suppose. A couple of friends came down to watch me run and I ran into some friends I hadn't seen in a long time. It was a lot of fun.

I'm sorta seeing one of the guys that went to see me run. He's a great guy and it really meant a lot to me that he'd go watch me (and drag a friend!). It is funny really; I'd planned on being single for quite some time, perhaps a year or so. Although I am not sure how to classify relationship status at this point; I guess we shall see…

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

When life doesn’t go as planned

When life doesn't go as we'd planned, it is difficult, disappointing, sad, etc. I've lived long enough and gone through enough stuff to believe that everything works out in the end. I applied to graduate school for 2002. I applied to 4…did not get into any. Second time around, after taking some grad classes as a non-degree student, I got into a top-ten program – something I never imagined would happen. In this instance, things worked out much better than I thought they would. And I am happy that I went through that. I could have quit. But I didn't – I wanted this too bad. Even though I might sound jaded at time, I remember how hard I fought to be here.

Perhaps it is the same with love. When we are hurt, deeply hurt and wounded, when our hearts are raw and bleeding, it is very difficult to believe that you'll ever heal. Or that you'll find anyone else that you'll care about as much. Or that anyone else will feel about you that way. Others tell us that we will; that there is someone out there for us. Of course, no one knows this for certain. Giving that advice usually means that we do not know what else to say to that person to make them feel better. And when on the receiving end of this phrase, it is very easy to discount this. No one else could possibly fit better than him/her.

That may actually be true; we might never find 'the one'. In fact, is there just one person that is made for us? Or are there multiple people we are compatible with? I used to think that there is one person we were meant to be with. Now…not so much.

It is hard to let go, to move on. It is hard to allow ourselves to feel for others again. It is hard to be vulnerable again, to let someone else in. To trust that person with your emotions, your proverbial "heart". It is hard to allow ourselves to consider ever being in a relationship again after a really good one ends.

I certainly hope that I eventually find one of the "the ones". However, I think I could be happy without this. I have so many wonderful people in my life; friends and family. I love life. All of it, even the bad stuff. Why? The bad stuff often shapes us as people. Those struggles we have make us stronger, more resilient. They open our eyes to different perspectives, to understand others better. This is going to sound cheesy, but I believe that the more we understand each other the more we can love, to connect with our fellow man/woman. Often, people don't listen to what others have to say; just rely on stereotypes. Just be open, listen to each other. We may not agree with each other, and that's ok. But if we can get an idea of where someone is coming from, we can understand. Often, our core ideals are similar, regardless of religious affiliation or political party. World peace, a cure for cancer, etc. All that good stuff. We just have different ideas on how to get these things.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

So it is Saturday night…

Saturday night. Perfect time to…admire my newly cleaned apartment. Between cleaning my apartment and the 4 mile run I did yesterday, I'm a bit little sore. Actually, my apartment isn't completely cleaned…I opened the blinds that looked dirty…they look less dirty that way. I still haven't found a way to clean them that doesn't take hours. And I have 2 giant windows….i can't fit those blinds in the bathtub. Somehow, they have dirt encrusted on them that cannot be dusted away. Or rinsed away. I've been submerging the smaller blinds (which are really long, btw) in soapy water, then wiping off every individual slat. Did I mention that these blinds are very long? I've got windows in the living room that are taller than me. Rinse. Dry. Rehang. Wipe each slat AGAIN. Very tiring, very time consuming. And I have 9 windows…8 of them have blinds. If anyone has a great idea how to clean blinds better, let me know. I've even tried the compressed air used to clean out keyboards.

I need a rug for my living room and potentially my bedroom. Why are rugs so expensive? Seriously. Curtains are too. I'm thinking about hiding my dirty blinds behind curtains. Or I could take the blinds down entirely.

*sigh* I think I'm going to take a ridiculously long, hot shower now. The put on my sweats. Yeah, that sounds good.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Running in the rain…

I love running in the rain. Love it. I love running in the snow, even on the ice if I've got my polar cleats. I love running when it's dark out. Granted, running in the rain is nicer in the summer, but I was smart enough to wear a windbreaker, my Tigers baseball cap, and the kind of shorts that repel water. A few things about running in the rain:

  1. Instead of making a satisfying crunching sound, the leaves go squish when you step on them.
  2. Jumping into puddles is exhilarating for about 2 seconds…until your new mizunos are soaked (had to break them in anyway). Although once they are soaked, jumping into puddles becomes mandatory since your feet can't get any wetter.
  3. You hear the whoosh, whoosh rhythmically as the hood of your windbreaker rubs against your hat/head for 4 miles. You had to turn up Christina Aguilera, Eminem, Journey, and T.I. because of this.
  4. For some reason, you had spent 25 minutes this morning blow drying your naturally wavy/curly hair to be perfectly straight…its not anymore.
  5. Finding your shins covered with mud when you arrive home is both a badge of honor…until you realize there is a high likelihood that the mud is manure (the natural fertilizer).
  6. People driving slow down to take a look at you. Probably thinking one of 2 things: 1) That poor girl needs a ride, 2) um, is she crazy? (answers: no and yes)
  7. Sidewalks are empty…you are such the dedicated runner.
  8. You'll want to brag on your blog that you are so dedicated (read: crazy) that you ran in the rain.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I never knew I could sleep so late…

I'm so tired. Just finished teaching a couple of classes. Barely made it in time to teach today…and I teach at 1:45! I slept through all 3 of my alarms. When I woke up and looked at the clock is read 1:43. Yikes!! Luckily, I have still not turned my clocks back yet. Luckily, I was totally prepared for class; which is actually a rarity. So that was ok. And I managed to find a way to put up my hair so it looked like I had washed it. I just got up, got dressed and went to teach.

My body hates me for some reason…I'm all achy. I was going to run 5 miles last night…until I realized that I felt like crap (denial can be good sometimes) and had a (low-grade) fever. Apparently, the Mayo Clinic website says you should never exercise if you have a fever. So I didn't. I haven't run or done any sort of exercise since Monday!!! I rarely go that long between exercising. I'm not sure I'm going to be doing any exercise tonight either L. If I'm just tired, I should go and run. If I'm sick, then I shouldn't. Sometimes it is hard to tell. If I am just tired, running makes me feel better. I guess I'll see how I feel in a few hours. I may take a nap.

I'm not running tonight, am I?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I had a lot of fun on Halloween this year. I was sick and missed some of the festivities (include a 5k I told a student I would run), but made it out to 1 party at least. I was dressed as the runaway bride, which fits my state of mind quite well right now. My state of mind being: single is good. Anyway, I had an amazing time.

For class last Thursday, I dressed up as well. I went as my weekend self – complete with sweatpants, a t-shirt and a baseball hat. Some of the students actually thought it was funny. Class was more relaxed than usual…might have been something about the way I was dressed. Or the $16 of candy that I passed out. The first class thanked me profusely…2nd class – not at all! Seriously, they need to be grateful for things like that – especially since I spent $16 when I hadn't gotten paid yet that month. Still, class was fun…probably b/c I talked about I/O stuff…way too much. Didn't even finish it, have to finish it tomorrow.

Planning on voting tomorrow – thinking 9am might be a good time. Most people have to be at work by then, so the lines may not be as long. However, I do have to be in my office at 11am…so if there is a huge line I'll have to come back after I'm done teaching. Which would be around 5pm. Which probably means I should bring a lawn chair (hmm, don't own one) 'cause it's going to be a long night. Or I could be surprised- everyone could have voted already. What's up with the early voting? How does that work? Not that I could put this to use for this election…but in the future.

And it will finally be over!!! The 2 years of campaigning, negative ads, annoying phone calls…no longer after tomorrow. Yay!!!

I'm quite sad that Barack Obama's grandmother died just a day before the election. She helped raise him and for her to see him be elected president…that would have been awesome. Hopefully, the rest of us will see Barack Obama win the election tomorrow!!! And may his grandmother rest in peace.